Friday, February 15, 2008

Boston 08

Here are some pictures from three different trips to Boston - the first trip was a 27 hour trip right after Christmas to go up and find Gar an apartment so he would have a place to live during the spring semester. He ended up in a very cute 1 bedroom apartment in Beacon Hill, really close to school and about a two minute walk to John Kerry's house, if anybody cares about John Kerry.

Then, we went up in mid-January to move Gar in. Doug, Ruth, and Kathy also went to Boston that weekend and we all helped celebrate Brady's third birthday. Bill and Deb Standiford were also in town moving Lauren in to school and were able to attend Brady's party.

Then, we went back three weeks later to celebrate Gar's 21st birthday. Dad and Pat went along on that trip and we had a very nice time. However, we did experience some freezing cold rain and gale-force winds on that Friday night as we were walking from the Common to Quincy Market! By the time we got there, our pants were all completely soaked through and we were miserable! We stayed long enough to eat and dry our pants before we ventured out again! Dry pants are a really good thing when the cold winds are blowing!

We decided to stay in the city on that first night in Boston, so big Gary, Pop, and Pat all stayed at Gar's apartment and I stayed with Lauren in her dorm room. In case anyone thinks this might be a good idea, just think about what kinds of things go on in a college dorm or apartment house on a Friday night. Not the most peaceful sleeping accommodations! Very comfortable, but not at all quiet! Earplugs would have probably done the trick.

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Maryland, United States