Sunday, September 2, 2007

Bon Voyage!

Well, Gar and Lauren have crossed the pond and are now in Sicily getting ready to start their classes for the fall semester. They are living in apartments in Ortygia, a small island off the city of Siracusa. Their school is the Mediterranean Center for Arts & Sciences. There is a photo gallery on the school's website with some really neat pictures of the school and the area.

We had a party at the house for them the weekend before they left. It was a lot of fun, but it was HOT! I think maybe the hottest day I can remember in many years. There is a slide show on my blog site with some pictures from the party.

After some internet research, we have educated ourselves on international calling and getting the best rates possible, so we have been able to talk to them several times without breaking the bank. Sounds like they are doing fine and having fun. They start classes tomorrow, Sept. 3. There has been a lot of touring around with professors, eating out with classmates, and some swimming in the Mediterranean. Those two have it rough.

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Maryland, United States