Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 11 - Venice

Breakfast at the hotel in Venice. We had croissant, yogurt, rolls, hot tea, & juice. We are in Italy, so no eggs, pancakes, etc…Then we met up with a local tour guide, Laura, who took us on a walking tour of Venice. Yes, there are streets and bridges. It’s not all canals. That was nice. It was about two hours. Then we went to a glass shop where they gave us a glass blowing demonstration and of course gave us a sales pitch, but nobody seemed to be in the mood to buy glasses that started at about 80 euro each. That was just for the smallest glass. Others were 200 each and more! Yikes!

We were on our own after that, so we walked all around. Went to the produce/fish/meat market and bought some fruit. Then stopped at a little outdoor café to eat lunch. It was run by Chinese people. We got the best pizza! Yum. And also a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, which seems to be called “toast” here. We toured the Friari church, which has lots of artwork in it by Titian, Donatello, Bellini and some others. Bought a few items of Murano glass (jewelry) and then came back to the room for a rest and to wash some laundry and hang it out the window like the natives.

We met Jamie down at the Piazza de San Marco at 7:00 to get dinner together. We ended up eating at the same place where we ate lunch. I had pizza again! It was good, though! I hope we don’t have pizza for dinner tomorrow night! We had a nice time eating, then walked around getting in some last minute sightseeing in Venice, got some gelato, checked out the Hard Rock Café to see if they had any cool Venice t-shirt designs (I know - not a very Rick Steves thing to do!) and they did, but just on the regular white t-shirt, so I didn’t get one. Now we are turning in for the evening - it’s after 11:00 - so we can get up to pack up and go to Florence tomorrow. .

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Maryland, United States