Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 10, Austria to Venice

Breakfast at the hotel in Austria and then on the bus at 8:15 to head towards Venice. Drove through the Austrian Alps past Innsbruck and saw the ski jump. We listened to the Sound of Music Soundtrack as we drove through Austria. Passed over into Italy where the mountains become the Dolomites. Stopped at Egna in Italy for lunch. We had 3 panini (vegetable, tuna, ham) and our first gelato in Italy. Yum!

After lunch, we did our buddy introductions on the bus. We passed a microphone around and we each did an introduction of our buddies. It was pretty funny.

Arrived in Venice at about 5:00 PM. Checked into our hotel, the Serenissima. Walked around with Jennifer, the guide, for a while and got an orientation to Venice. Ate at the CafĂ© Buso with some of the group. It was on one of the canals. Then, walked around for a little while, got the second gelato of the day, and met the rest of the group at 9:00 PM to go on a gondola cruise. Jennifer had arranged it for us (was not part of the tour, but everyone agreed to do it together) and she was able to get one gondola with music (an accordian player and a singer) and she suggested to the group that the 25th anniversary couple get to go on the music one (that‘s us!), along with two other people. The group agreed and then it was agreed also that the oldest couple would also get to go on that one, so Dick and Lynn joined us. They have been married 41 years. The rest of the group went on two other gondolas, right behind and in front of ours, so they also got to enjoy the music. It was so cool riding those gondolas through the canals of Venice after dark with that music and everyone in the restaurants and standing on the bridges looking down at our gondolas, enjoying the music. It was also a very warm night, which made it all the better.
After the gondola ride, we walked around Venice for a while with some of the group and then went back to the hotel at about 10:30, washed some laundry in the sink  and went to bed. Unfortunately, internet is not free, so I think I may buy a little internet time tomorrow.

1 comment:

phg said...

Wow, looks pretty cool with all the lights shining on the water. Pretty much as I might have imagined it to be. Glad you got to have the gondola with the music-pretty special. :)

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Maryland, United States